Saturday, September 1, 2007

Good News...there's never enough!

Sometimes I feel that society focuses on the negatives. Turn on the news and it's mostly bad: The latest casualties in Iraq or Afghanistan, drug abuse, domestic violence, and the list goes on. Many days I just don't have the energy for it, and refuse to watch, listen or read about it.

Today there was good news. It may not be earth shaking on the level of Peace in the Middle East (personally, I don't believe that will ever happen), but for a family whose greatest wish was granted, it's the best possible. My friends Lisa and Taylor have been trying to evolve from coupledom to familydom for four years. Today, they brought David home, and those of us who love them are so happy. May God keep smiling on Lisa, Taylor, David, and the birthparents who chose a wonderful family for him.

To read Lisa's thoughts see her blog on my list of Family & Friends.

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