Monday, August 13, 2007

Goodbye Summer

Okay, so my summer isn't officially over until school starts again. But my traditional summer finale is usually a trip to Green Peter, and that is where I spent the weekend.

You could say I grew up on that lake. I don't think there has been a summer of my life when we haven't made at least a couple trips up for camping, boating, swimming, and just chillin' out. It's part of my personal culture. It holds a treasure trove of memories with family and friends. It's a place that always feels comfortable. And every year, my last trip I make it a point to say "Goodbye 'til next year."

This trip was very low-key. It was just the family. The parents, nephew and I drove up on Friday morning. We towed the kid around behind the boat on a tube for awhile. In fact, we did that regularly. Saturday morning we spent some time fishing (note I did not say catching). My sister and brother-in-law showed up late Saturday night. I didn't think they were going to come, but I was wrong.

Weekends at the lake are wonderful because they are so ordinary. We don't really do anything special. It's just a place to be. However, we do meet some interesting people. The first was the very nice Asian man whose family camped near us. He told Dad that this was his 7th trip to the lake, and that it "is better than Disneyland." Dad countered with the fact that he and Mom have been camping at the lake since 1969. The second interesting person we met was a man fishing down near the dam on Saturday. He reeled in a fish, unhooked it and tossed it back. Not a big deal, but his comment was "It's a damn trout. I don't know what he was doing at 50 feet!" I know that doesn't make much sense, but at the time it struck me as very funny. I guess he didn't want trout, just kokanee.

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