Thursday, November 3, 2011 observation

Today we had conferences in our district. I've never been a huge fan of these parent teacher meetings, mostly because I rarely saw parents at them in my previous position. That was then. Now...different story. During the first two hours I had parents at my table non stop with more waiting in line. Wow! Not my usual experience. Nor was the following scenario, which happened more than once.

Me: "Your child is doing very well. He/she is a delight to have in class and I have no concerns about their behavior or work."
Parent. "That's good to hear, but his/her grade is 90%. How can they raise it?"
Me: Unsure what to say at this point. We don't give +/- grades. It doesn't matter if if the grade is 90 or 100, it's an 'A'.

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