Sunday, March 20, 2011


This time of year I start to get the travel bug really bad. I think it stems from a combination of things. First, I'm tired of the weather. It's been raining for months and I'd like to see the sun for more than a moment or two. Second, it's less than ten weeks until graduation and I'm going to be working very hard between now and then getting seniors done with their requirements.

The other day I was surfing the internet and found the following list of 15 Places Your Kid Should See Before 15.

1. Grand Canyon
2. Redwood National Park
3. Monticello
4. The Freedom Trail
5. Niagara Falls
6. The National Mall
7. Colonial Williamsburg
8. Disney World
9. Independance Hall
10. Alcatraz Island
11. Ellis Island
12. Yellowstone National Park
13. Fenway Park
14. Craters of the Moon
15. San Diego Zoo

I didn't read the entire article, so I'm not sure what the qualifying criteria were. I'm older than 15 and I've only been to see nine of the listed places. I guess I'd better finish the list.

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