Sunday, February 12, 2012

More Birthday....The Weekend Edition.

Having a birthday happen mid week often means that celebration has to wait for a weekend when people who work Monday thru Friday have some time off. Of course that also requires some logistical planning and communication.

My pal Jen and I had been playing phone tag for a month. Sometimes it's like that. On Thursday she sent me a FB message about meeting up for dinner on Friday. The short version of the story is that after more "tag" we were able to settle on a meeting location. We had a great time: Dinner at the Macaroni Grill and dessert at Yogurtland. {I don't know about other parts of the country, but self-serve yogurt shops have been popping up all over Oregon!}

On Saturday I made the trip to Corvallis for a family dinner. We went to Terminus. It was the first time we'd been there and I have to say the food was really good. Unfortunately, the service was not fabulous. We were seated for probably an hour and forty-five minutes and saw our waitress three times. We wrapped up the evening with a trip to Coldstone. Gotta have ice cream. ;)

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