Sunday, July 31, 2011

High School Reunion

This weekend was my high school reunion. Months ago when the first whisperings and emails began I was not sure I wanted to go. I see most the people I want to see. And with Facebook, I hear about others, so I just wasn't' sure that attendance was a "must."

One of my besties and I waffled almost to the last minute about going, and finally decided to just take a leap of faith that the experience wouldn't totally suck. After all, we weren't going to be prisoners and if we were disillusioned, we could leave. Turns out that the weekend was fun. And I learned/affirmed a few things;

At this point in life nobody really cares what you do for a living, if your married or have kids.

Many of us still have ties to our hometown, either living in the immediate area, or frequently visiting family.

Many of my classmates call the great Seattle area home.

We have a lot of professionals: lawyers, teachers, doctors, business people, etc. (The number of combined years we've all spent in college is phenomenal. Can you say we're a bunch of overachievers????)

Personally, I'm too far past multiple nights out at this stage of my life.

It was really, really great to see people and catch up.

I'm glad I went. :)

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