Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pies and Sports and Turkeys and Trees

And that sums up this Thanksgiving weekend.

My Thanksgiving break officially started at noon on Wednesday. Grades were done, paperwork was filed, and I was off to enjoy a few days before our next term begins. I ran a few errands: The post office was easy and sane. The credit union was horrible. Let's just say their customer service is really, really bad. As soon as I pay off my car, I'm never doing business with that particular institution again!

Anyway, I dashed home, grabbed my stuff and headed for the parents' house. I had a pecan pie to make. My luck continued to be not so great. It took three tries to get the crust just right. I felt a little like the three pigs must have felt. Luckily, things improved. Dad and I went to the OSU basketball game against UNC-Charlotte. The Beavers won! And we got to see one of my favorite past players. AC Green was sitting court side, and I wonder if it's odd for him to be back at Gill, seeing his banner hanging from the rafters.

Thanksgiving was the family dinner. My sister and brother-in-law hosted. We talked and watched football. Our number was 11 this year, and we ate very, very well. In addition to the traditional turkey feast, we had four kinds of pie. Leftovers of both turkey and pie were to follow us for days.

Mom, Traci and I made our Black Friday run. We were up and out the door by 4:45 to pick up some gifts. It was short day for us this year. We were home by 1:30, and I crashed. The rest of the day is pretty non-existent.

Saturday is our traditional "Get the Tree Day." Mom's tree has to meet specific requirements in size, shape and variety. We ended up at a u-cut place run by my 8th grade math teacher. It's always a little odd to run into my old teachers, even many years later.

Sunday evening....the tree is decorated. Wreaths are hung and I have to decide how much more of the Christmas decoration plunder to haul out of storage and unpack. But not tonight. I have homework to do.

1 comment:

* said...

A fun-filled weekend, love your traditions!