Friday, January 8, 2010

Pondering Tennyson at Midnight

During the post Holiday Period, my brain gets a little weird. It's almost as if once the sugar-induced, present-shopping-and-wrapping, frantic-family-time euphoria wears off, other things start to crawl back into awareness with a vengeance. There's more to my theory, but that's a tangent I won't take right now.

So, last night while lying in bed, watching the clock flip from one post-midnight minute to another, "It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." popped into the brain. Today I had to double check who wrote that, but again, that's another tangent. So, the quotation was chasing around my brain with "Right/Wrong? Right/Wrong?" I still haven't come to a decision about that, but I wonder if the statement can apply to other things like experiences, choices, secrets. Is it better to know all, see all, hear all, do all? Or can humans be happier living in the dark, unaware? Can you miss what you've never known if you don't know the outcome of what might have been had you experienced it?

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