Monday, December 28, 2009


It's a frantic time of year filled with family, friends, food...festivities. There! I finished the alliteration. :)

Anyway, back to the Christmas. Mom, Dad and I spent Christmas Eve afternoon baking pies and putting together other yummy stuff. We headed to my sister's for Christmas Eve where we ate, played games and opened the one present we allow ourselves. My youngest niece and I tracked Santa on NORAD. Each new destination was carefully sounded out by her third grade reading skills. It was fun.

Christmas morning dawned somewhat early. The prime rib had to go into the oven by 7:30, and who can sleep through the smell of delicious roasting meat. More presents were opened. Kitter spent the morning attacking the piles of wrapping paper and playing with a new catnip mouse. Family started to arrive around 12:30. More presents were followed by the arrival of more family. Dinner went on the table at 2:00 or so. We stuffed ourselves to the gills on prime rib, mashed potatoes, veggies, bread, and salad. Many of us napped wherever we collapsed, to be roused later by the sound of Mom's beaters frothing whipping cream for pies. We ate some more. All sorts of things were covered in conversation. Family member trickled out much the way they had arrived hours earlier until it was only Mom, Dad, me and the Kitter. Clean up was done and it was pretty early to bed for all of us. It was a very good day.

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