Wednesday, August 26, 2009


When I was a kid I asked questions. Often instead of a good answer I'd be sent off to "look it up." And I'm glad since the skill is a useful one, and one I wish my students would learn. The Internet has taken looking things up to a whole new level. But I often wonder if we have traded good research skills for easy answers. My students love Wikipedia and don't understand why I often encourage them to look deeper. But I digress...

Yesterday I was doing my workout when I overheard a conversation between a member I'd never met and Karin, the employee on duty. The subject that came up was language school. This new (I soon found out) member is moving to Costa Rica at the end of the year. I was curious about why she chose Costa Rica, so I asked. After all, if don't ask....

So, this very nice woman answered my inquiry. She and her husband are missionaries, and their church has a language school in Costa Rica. Oh. Mission work is something I know very little about. So I asked another question. And another. And...well you get the picture. I finished my workout and realized I'd totally monopolized this woman for twenty minutes. I thanked her most politely, wished her luck on her mission in case we don't cross paths again, and left with greater knowledge than I had previously. I hope I wasn't too pushy, and that I didn't turn her off to polite inquiry. If I did, I'm really sorry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If she is a missionary then she was probably thrilled to talk. Is she goingto the same school where Jen is? I have known a few other people go to Costa Rica for language school.