Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration 2009

Wow. Old building, temperamental server connections, and squirrely kids did not allow me to watch the big "tahdah" live today. I knew this and planned ahead. Love the DVR, but that meant hours of watching this evening, even with the fast-forward button frequently engaged.

I'm left with mixed emotions. Intense pride for the tradition of peaceful transition, great pride in being an American witnessing an historic event. Hope that the next four years (possibly eight) will bring about the success in "...the work of remaking America." Yet, there is still a part of me that is apprehensive for the future. Mr. Obama's intentions may not be fulfilled. The next four years may not be any better than the last four. And I wonder if the build-up is based more on the novelty of the 44th president, rather than his substance.

I hope I'm wrong.

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