Tuesday, August 26, 2008

To Work...

Today was District Day, an event that I sometimes think of as the "Rah Rah Rah" day when all things are good and the climate is positive. But it's strange being in a new district. It was still rah rah, but there were definitely some differences.First, the energy. This staff is rip roaring, ready to go. It's very refreshing. Second, I've never personally introduced myself so many times in one day. Also refreshing. Third, unlike other jobs where working with a challenging population is met with lots of "they're great kids, they just have issues", today I have several people respond with "God Bless You and Good Luck." One staff member actually crossed herself as she said it. I wasn't quite expecting that.So the new year begins. I work really hard not to build up any preconceived ideas. Other people don't really get that, though. They want to fill me in on all the gossip. I figure I'll get that as I go. Teenagers aren't known for keeping things to themselves.

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