Monday, February 11, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Yep. I had a birthday last week.

Birthday day is one of those days when middle schoolers can be unbelievably sweet. One my seventh graders made me cupcakes, and another brought me a little present. Then I got a couple of handmade cards. My eighth graders sand horribly off-key renditions of "Happy Birthday" and by the end of the day I was ready for a bit of piece and quiet.

On Saturday, I headed up to Portland to hang with my HS bestie. She made yummy soup and polenta fries for dinner. We killed a couple bottles of wine and spent the evening just hanging out. It's always great to hang with friends when you don't have much time to do that.

Sunday was the family celebration. Coffee (Pepsi in my case) and pastries with the parents at Panera, then mom made my favorite dinner of fried elk steak, potatoes and gravy for dinner. My sister and her entire family came. And for dessert we had homemade apple pie and ice cream.

It was a good birthday weekend. :)

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