Thursday, January 24, 2013

January Misses

Broken bones often lead to missing things. This month, I missed out on laser tag and road race I was supposed to do. Other things have just bounced right along with some minimal adjusting. Each morning, until today, I have climbed the stairs to my car and headed off to work. My students have been most helpful. They really are wonderful individuals who sometimes don't form such wonderful group relationships.

Today everything just sort of caught up with me. I woke up feeling lousy and still did my morning routine with the intention of leaving for work at my usual time. I don't miss work! Then there was the mad dash back to the bathroom (on crutches) and I knew I wasn't going to work. I can't remember the last time I called in sick to work. I've used sick leave for doctor appointments, and last spring I went home early, but a full sick day is not something I normally do. And on top of feeling bad about calling in late, I had to talk my sub (who is awesome!) through where I'd hidden everything because I had planned on being at work.

I hate being sick. :(

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