Sunday, January 16, 2011

My First 10K

Today I participated in my first 10K. Notice I didn't say, I ran my first 10K. I'm not a runner. I've heard over and over again from so many people that who love to run about the "high" and the "zone". I've never hit it.

Anyway, a couple months ago my friend Tina proposed that we do the 10K at the Cascade Half Marathon. Today dawned wet (It is January in Oregon) and windy. Luckily, it wasn't really cold. The temp was in the 50's, but that's not exactly balmy due to the wind and the rain. My goal was to finish in under 1 hour and 45 minutes. I'm happy to say that my time was actually 1:37:17. And it wasn't a good experience. Will I do another one? Maybe. ;)