Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

The last couple days have been really busy, but that's pretty much par for the course during the summer. Saturday I attended the Averill Family Reunion (I'm a "half-cousin" as one of the other attendees put it) in Brownsville before heading back the parents' for an early Father's Day Dinner. Dad grilled ribs, Mom made strawberry shortcake, and we all made pigs of ourselves. After dinner we visited some friends and it was really late when I finally got home.

So, with such a busy Saturday, I was anticipating a pretty quiet Sunday. I figured I'd just hang around the house, maybe do some chores and play with Kitter. Well, plans change. Instead, the family spent a couple hours following Dad around sporting goods stores. He had fishing supplies to buy, and a gift card to spend.

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