Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hm...I may not have spelled that correctly. Oh well. The point is that being anonymous can be a powerful thing sometimes. Think of all those "juicy tween and teen secrets" you spilled to your brand-new bunk mate at camp. Or those little tidbits of yourself you mention to that stranger on a bus or in a waiting room. It's weird, sometimes, how a person can feel more comfortable talking to total strangers than close friends.

I've personally always been more comfortable having really powerful conversations with some space. When I was a teenager and life was hard and my emotions were rioting I would write letters to my parents and leave them in places they would find them. The teenage years were tough, and I couldn't speak the words face-to-face. I thought, somehow, I'd outgrown that. That with age, experience, and maybe wisdom I'd grown to be more honest in my interpersonal communication skills. I haven't. Tonight I found myself doing that very same thing, this time electronically, to tell a friend some things I needed to say. Things I couldn't say to his face, but things I've been wanting to say for awhile now. I just hope things won't be strange the next time I see him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally get this. Probably part of why I blog. To get my thoughts out there but I don't have to look anyone in the eye or see their reaction. But if it works and you are communicating...