Thursday, March 20, 2008

Do a Little....

Strange title, I know. Yesterday our advisor activity at school focused on doing good for others. We have a very animated discussion about how teenagers kind of have a bad reputation for being selfish. Of course those of us who work with teenagers know they can be the kindest or cruelest people, depending on their momentary mood.

I encourage volunteerism. I think it's important for people to give back to their communities, and to do it without an external need for recognition. That doesn't mean I don't believe that "Thank You" can't go a long ways, or is too much to ask. My volunteer work is wrapped up in my job (teachers do a lot of volunteer work!)and the Red Cross. But I also know how difficult it is to schedule that volunteer work with the hectic lives many of us lead. This afternoon I got an email about a quick and easy way to help a variety of causes: Breast Cancer, Hunger, Literacy, Child Health, Rainforests, Animal Rescue. It's simple. Go to the Click to Give website and click every day. It's really worth a few minutes of your time.

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