Sunday, January 19, 2014


A year ago I was on crutches due to a fracture in my foot. It wasn't painful, but it was really inconvenient. Prior to that incident, I had been exercising very regularly and was feeling pretty good. Ironically, being on crutches is a good workout for the upper body, and using them on stairs, which I had to twice a day was an exercise in agility. Since the foot healed, I have been fairly sedentary, and I knew I needed some incentive to move.

Today was the Cascade Half Marathon. I've never done a half marathon, and I don't plan to! Two years ago, I walked the 10K which is a bit longer than I really enjoy. This year, I kept it simple and opted for the 2 mile "fun run/walk". It was a nice, flat course and I was done in 35 minutes. Not too bad for not doing much for the last several months.

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