For the past year and a half (since moving back) I've spent many hours (and much money) at Scrapbook Fever. It's been a most awesome store, full of all sorts of scrapping treasures. The incredible staff know my name and always have smiles and greetings when I walk in the door. The community of fellow scrappers has been so supportive, and undemanding; something that my work community cannot always be. It's been a little oasis of peace in an often chaotic world.
That being said, I'm in mourning. Scrapbook Fever will be closing on December 24. There will be no more crops, classes, advice. I may never see some of those familiar faces again. Last Friday I attended what was my last Friday Night Crop. I was not inspired to work on any project. I was not ready to say good bye. I found a few minor tasks to take on, but mostly I worked to absorb the feelings I have when I'm in the store and the prescense of those wonderfully talented ladies. When the time came for me to leave for the evening I wished everyone Happy Holidays, and packed up my things like so many Friday nights before, and I walked out the door for what may be the last time. I can't see myself drawing out the goodbyes. It's too hard.
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