Today was the 91st anniversary of the World War I Armistice. I think it's an interesting fact of history that the war ended on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" in 1918. And here we were, today, watching the 89th Annual Veteran's Day Parade in Albany, which began today, like every year, at 11:00 am. I enjoy the symmetry of that.
Now, about the parade. Today it was kind of wet, with a few sprinkles. Luckily it waited until after the parade for the sky to really open up and dump buckets. There were soldiers (the Oregon National Guard) was well represented, Veterans from every war since World War II, school marching bands, community and service groups, police, firefighters, ROTC cadets, boy scouts, girl scouts, VFW, American Legionaries, families of active military, military vehicles from the historic to the current - and more that I can't remember right now. This parade is the biggest honoring veterans in the western United States. And it's a wonderful thing to see the people turn out to thank those brave men and women for their honor and sacrifices.
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