After leaving Cherokee, the lure of Great Smoky Mountain National Park was just too much to ignore. It's touted as the most popular national park. I don't know about that, but it does see lots of traffic. I think the park must be a hikers paradise. We, of course, did not have time to hike. But the views are beautiful, and it was worth the 35 mile drive to cross it on Highway 441.

One of the attractions on the North Carolina side is the Mountain Farm Museum. They've pulled together old buildings to recreate a farm complete with chickens and pigs. We saw broom corn, the stuff they make brooms from. I'd never seen it growing before.

On the Tennessee side of the border is Gatlinburg. Wow. It's a town that is unlike any other I've ever seen. Some of you may understand when I describe it as Depoe Bay (Oregon) meets Reno (Nevada) on steroids. I think I'd like to go back and really spend some more time in that area. One day just wasn't enough to see and do everything.
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