It's a family tradition. We spend the second weekend in June in Sisters, at the rodeo. I'm not sure how this all started. One year my sister and I went, and after that the parents joined us, and so on. Now it's just another one of those little traditions. It all starts with the rodeo parade on Saturday morning. Parades are a little slice of Americana. They don't have to be big and spectacular for people to have a good time. The Sisters parade has cars, fire engines, rodeo queens and, of course, horses. Participants range from hardly more than babies to the Pioneer Queen (who may not be the oldest, but is noticeable in her cape and tiara).

We attend the rodeo on Saturday night. We've tried doing multiple shows, but it's just too much. Saturday night was a sell out crowd. And rodeos are never boring.

Sunday we made a little trip up to the Metolius headwaters. It's a short, easy walk from the parking lot. It's a beautiful view. And then we stopped back at the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery. For a quarter you can buy a handful of fish food and dropping each pellet into a tank of trout can be very entertaining.
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