Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Announcing...a New Job!

This year I decided to take steps toward a new job. I really love what I do, but it's time to do it somewhere else. I need to be where I want to be so, yesterday I accepted an offer from a district closer to home. I'm looking forward to spending more time with my family and friends.

I'm excited, but also kind of anxious about trying to finish out this year. I haven't kept it a secret from my students that I was looking for a new position, but I also haven't talked about it much. I'm a little anxious about that. I've become really attached to some of my kids, so it's going to be hard. And I anticipate some of their parents are not going to take it well. Some of them have become very dependent upon what we (alternative ed) do. With all the changes that are going to take place next year, there is going to be some anxiety.

So, I know where I'll be working, but I'm not sure about where I'll be living. I'll keep those who need to know, in the know.


Lisa Rampton Halverson said...

Congrats, Tonya! Where will you be?

Palo Alto feels like a second home to me, but still I'd love even more to be in Corvallis. Hard when, with our increased opportunities in life, we are taken so far from home!

The Boys Club plus a girl! said...

So, I'm curios what alternative ed is? Sounds intriguing! I hope your new job is what you're looking for. And it's always wonderful to be near family... now, if we only didn't like Corvallis so much... our family is way back in MN and WI. Well, enjoy and hope you find a place alright!