Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The End of January & Looking Back

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of January. It seems as if we just celebreated New Year's, and now 2008 is 1/12 over! It's been an incredibly busy month. This week is the beginning of a new semester, and that always entails a renewal process. Renewal of expectations to returning students and an extention of expectations for the new kids I see. The beginning of term hustle and bustle of scheduling and rescheduling is ongoing. Tomorrow is the deadline for all changes, so I'm hopeful that things will come together and I can concentrate on teaching.

It's funny: This week I reminded one of my seniors that it's her last semester of high school. She turned and shouted "Don't tell me that!" I tried to remember my last semester of high school and I can't. Not really. I remember significant events. The US was involved in the Desert Storm. Congress was making noises about possibly reinstating the military draft. I turned 18. There was a college visitation. Making sure the college application was mailed by the deadline (yes...I only applied to one school.) Then it was graduation and all night party. That's what I remember about my last semester of high school.

1 comment:

Tracy J. said...

I saw this right after I saw your blog post. Class of 2011 mindset list, about today's high school seniors:

I have to admit though, I haven't heard of a lot of this stuff, either.